Daily Word08/06/2022

My healing is already within me. When I have a healing need, I do what is necessary to take care of myself. I begin by affirming wholeness, speaking words of love and healing to my body and mind daily. I take inspiration from Unity cofounder Myrtle Fillmore. When recalling her healing journey, Myrtle wrote, “IContinueContinue reading “Daily Word08/06/2022”

Daily Word 07/11/2022

Daily Word: Healing I thrive in wholeness. My thoughts and words are creative— charged with energy that influences my whole being. I think and speak with intention to claim my healing and know my wholeness. I respond when my body needs attention and care. I recognize discomfort or fatigue as a signal, a call forContinueContinue reading “Daily Word 07/11/2022”

Daily Word 06/19/2022

I bless all fathers with thoughts of gratitude. I am grateful for fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, and all father figures who care for children and families. I pray they are called always to follow their guidance and to act to express divine love. I envision their hearts and minds opening to receive blessings of strength, patience,ContinueContinue reading “Daily Word 06/19/2022”

Daily Word 05/28/2022

As I heal, I awaken to wholeness. Moving through life means I will encounter times of wellness and illness, pleasure and pain, triumph and tragedy. I may be tempted to think these changing realities are all there are to life, but they are just a small part of who and what I am. My bodyContinueContinue reading “Daily Word 05/28/2022”

Daily Word 04/21/2022

WHOLENESS IS MY TRUE NATURE. I am created in the image and likeness of God, the image of perfection and /wholeness. This glorious truth always lifts my spirit. When my body does not express the wholeness that is the truth of my being, I may feel frustrated or low. When this happens, I look forContinueContinue reading “Daily Word 04/21/2022”

Daily Word 01/26/2022

Healing AS I SUPPORT MY HEALTH, I RECEIVE MY HEALING. My body and mind respond to my loving attention and care the way a growing flower responds to sunshine. I add to this care and love by including my health and wholeness in my spiritual life. Whatever precipitates my healing need, my prayer always isContinueContinue reading “Daily Word 01/26/2022”

Daily Word 12/13/2021

Healing MY TRUE NATURE IS WHOLENESS. “From time to time, I may experience physical and emotional challenges from which I need to heal. I rely on my faith, help from healing professionals, my commitment to self-care, and my positive outlook to regain my health and know my wholeness. I remember my healing involves more thanContinueContinue reading “Daily Word 12/13/2021”

Daily Word 11/29/2021

Forgiveness EMPATHY AND UNDERSTANDING ARE MY KEYS TO FORGIVENESS. “I feel more empathy for those who have hurt me when I remember times I may have caused hurt myself, the regret I carried, and the relief I felt when I was forgiven. These memories trigger my compassion and make it easier for me to extendContinueContinue reading “Daily Word 11/29/2021”

Daily Word 11/16/2021

Healing I CLAIM WHOLENESS, AND I AM HEALED. “John’s Gospel tells the story of a man, paralyzed for 38 years, who waits for a healing miracle by a pool outside the Jerusalem temple. When Jesus asks whether he wants to be healed, the man says neither yes nor no, but instead explains how difficult itContinueContinue reading “Daily Word 11/16/2021”

Daily Word 10/29/2021

Believe I BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF MY WORDS AND THOUGHTS. “Matthew’s gospel tells the story of a Roman military officer who comes to Jesus seeking healing for his seriously ill servant. When Jesus offers to visit the officer’s home for the healing, the officer responds “only speak the word, and my servant will beContinueContinue reading “Daily Word 10/29/2021”