Daily Word 12/09/2021

Caregivers’ Blessing I AM GRATEFUL FOR YOUR LOVING AND COMPASSIONATE SERVICE. “People who take care of others hold a special place in my heart. They are guided by empathy and compassion as they give of themselves generously. I honor these selfless souls who help others feel less alone. I bless you. I give thanks forContinueContinue reading “Daily Word 12/09/2021”

Daily Word 11/29/2021

Forgiveness EMPATHY AND UNDERSTANDING ARE MY KEYS TO FORGIVENESS. “I feel more empathy for those who have hurt me when I remember times I may have caused hurt myself, the regret I carried, and the relief I felt when I was forgiven. These memories trigger my compassion and make it easier for me to extendContinueContinue reading “Daily Word 11/29/2021”